Theater of the Mind
Exploring the fundamental questions of life through our favorite legends.
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About DrJhin
“Legends are human experiences conveyed through extraordinary means.”
Currently enrolled in a Psychology Ph.D. program, Jackson Jin intends to pursue a career in solving the various mysteries of the human mind. However, beyond his professional interests lies an aspiration for creative endeavors, and a love for video games. The League of Legends universe, with its diverse cast of champions from all walks of life, remains one of his all-time favorites. Among the growing list of tales told, each legendary in its own right, one of a twisted murderer behind a smiling mask particularly captivated his attention. That was the inspiration Jackson needed. If death can be portrayed with such grace and grandeur, then the same can be done with life in all its elegant beauty and visceral ugliness. Calling upon his passion for both the art and science of the human mind, Jackson assumes the alias DrJhin as he seeks to explore the fundamental questions of life through our favorite legends.
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What we see out in the open is usually a curated image, because personal struggles are often turned into sensationa…
Just finished “Framing Britney Spears” thanks to a recommendation. Shocking insights into how suffocating it can be…
What is at a glance is rarely the whole picture. A deep dive behind the scenes can often lead to information critic…
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